Spider-Man was seen on the streets of the country, not abroad


Spider-Man is certainly one of the few comic book characters that have ruled the minds of people across the world for generations. People of all ages enjoy this spider-man’s superhero-like activity, jumping into human danger and killing the wicked.

Spider-Man is a superhero to everyone. This time the superhero was seen on the streets of Dwarka, Delhi. Spider-man running on a bike. The outfit he wears says he’s Spider-Man. But not alone, the masked woman sits behind Spider-Man.

The shocking scene not only took the internet by storm, but also the lives of Spider-Man and the masked woman. Spider-man 20 year old Aditya and masked woman Anjali 19 year old have been caught by the police.

There are many allegations against them. Because the bike on which they took the video had no number plate, no looking glass, 2 of them had no helmet.

Spider-Man and masked woman in police custody, Photo – IANS

With no license and above all driving the motorbike dangerously at excessive speed. Based on these complaints, the police have arrested Spider-Man and the masked woman.

After the video spread, the police were able to catch them based on that source. These 2 young women from Najafgarh are now facing big problems while performing stunts on bikes by being Spider-Man and masked woman. — Written with help from news agencies


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